Jean-Marie Losson

Art - Studio

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US Acrylics


Acrylic paints allow for vivacity and a fast dialog between the artist and his/her work, especially in abstract art. An abstract painting is never complete, it keeps calling you, asking for more … endlessly. Sometimes too much!

JML Oils

Oil Paintings

Oil painting opens the doors of a world without boundaries. Contrary to watercolor, oil will forgive you for everything and even invite to start all over again. Oil is kind, sweet and calls for creation. Further oil allows for some third dimension to your painting.

EN Watercolors


With watercolor, I love the effects that light and color vibration create because of the watercolor transparency. The water and the paint can (sometimes) produce rather surprising but always captivating effects. Nevertheless, the watercolor remains the master. It does what it wants – you are the active spectator. 

JML Drawings


Drawing remains the fundamental basis, even in abstract art. Here too, possibilities are endless, as are the available tools: graphite, ink, charcoal, chalk, pastel … and of course eraser, paper stump, cotton swab… Drawing can be practiced anywhere at any time.

Drawing and painting have always been a passion of mine, together with visual art.

I started with watercolor, so demanding, even impossible to master until I discovered oil painting and its endless possibilities. More recently I started acrylic painting, which seems to have been created for abstract paintings.

My only regret ? I didn’t attend any Art School. Learning, discovering by yourself is quite exciting, but has real limitation

Enough said …this website should hopefully allow you to enter my beloved world.

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